November 25, 2020
We love keeping you folks up to date with everything that we have got going on at The Night Owl including important news, future events and updates from our fabulous team.
Grab yourselves a brew and check out some of our recent blogs and news pieces below.
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- #Friday#TheNightOwl#soul#nickpride#barefootin'#lefreak#fredzeppelin#cometogether#may#june
- #saveourvenues
- 1950
- 1960
- 1960's
- 1970's
- 2 fat skins
- 20s
- 3 sixties
- 360
- 3rd
- 40 shillings
- 40 shillings on the drum
- 50's music
- 50s
- 50th
- 50th anniverssary
- 60's music
- 60s
- 60s garage
- 70's music
- 70s
- 80s
- 80s alternative
- 80s music
- 90's
- 90s music
- A Tribe Called Quest
- aaron twitchen
- Abi Farrell
- absolute stone roses
- acid jazz
- acid jazz records
- acoustic
- acoustic eho
- adam adam
- adam heath
- afrobeat
- afroduck
- after party
- afterparty
- alan king
- alan mcgee
- album launch
- Album release
- all dayer
- All nighter
- All Shook Up
- Alldayer
- Allnighter
- allnigter
- alterantive
- Alternative
- alternative music
- amy winehouse
- amy winehouse tribute
- anniversary
- anthony flavin
- april fools gold
- arctic monkeys
- aretha franklin
- art
- art for sale
- art pop
- art rock
- arts market
- artwork
- as mamas
- ash sheehan
- Atlantic Players
- awards
- baby bushka
- back to bez
- backbone slips
- bad girlfriend
- bad girls
- balkan
- band
- bands
- bank holiday
- bar
- barb
- barefootin'
- barnsey
- battle of the brits
- bbq
- beach boys
- beat
- beatles
- beatles tribute
- bee gees
- beer garden
- beer gardens
- Belle and Sebastian
- belles petite
- ben drummond
- ben sherman
- bentley rhythm ace
- bestles
- bethany dartnell
- bez
- Big AC Records
- big birmingham soul night
- big boss man
- big soul night
- Bigger than barry
- billy nomates
- bimingham
- birmingha
- Birmingham
- Birmingham bands
- birmingham international dance festival
- birmingham music
- Birmingham music awards
- birmingham REP
- birthday
- birthday party
- birthday weekender
- black bomber
- Black Elvis
- black mekon
- blackash
- Blackpool Mecca
- blank generation
- blondie
- blues
- blur
- boat to row
- bongolian
- boogaloo
- boogeyman and the ghouls
- boogie
- book launch
- bottomless
- bottomless brunch
- Bowie
- Bowie night
- brain food
- Brainfood
- breakfast club
- Brian Rae
- british music
- britpo
- britpop
- broken compass
- Brum
- Brum Radio
- brunch
- brunchin and hip hop
- Burnside
- cafe colette
- caribbean
- carnival
- carnival sounds
- carys hannah
- Catacombs
- cate and co
- cave girl
- Charity
- Charity event
- cherry pickles
- Chic
- chicks dig jerks
- child friendly
- Chris Helme
- Christmas
- christmas party
- circus
- city of colours
- classes
- classic piano
- Club
- club jazz
- clubbing
- cocktail
- cocktails
- colin curtis
- come together
- comedian
- comedy night
- comedy night london
- coming soon
- coming up
- common people
- competition
- concert
- cookout
- coronavirus
- country
- cover
- covers band
- covers.
- covid19
- craig wagstaff
- creation records
- crowdfunder
- cureheads
- curtis mayfield
- dakka skanks
- dance
- dance classes
- dance off
- dance tournament
- Dancehall
- dancing
- dave le modern
- dave le moderne
- david
- David Bowie
- day parade
- day time
- daytime
- daytime event
- Daytime party
- dead coast
- december
- definitely maybe
- delta autumn
- depeche mode
- deptford northern soul club
- Desperados
- devo
- diana ross
- dig?
- Digbeth
- digbeth dining club
- Disco
- disoc
- DJ
- dj arlo
- DJ Mylz
- dj set
- dj sets
- djs
- don letts
- doo wop
- doowop
- drinks
- dub
- Dubwise
- early days tour
- Earth
- East Coast
- easter
- easter event
- easter sunday
- ed edwards
- eddie piller
- education in sound
- elastica
- electro
- Electro-swing
- electronic music
- eleven
- Elvis
- elvis night
- Elvis Presley
- entertainment
- ep launch party
- ep party
- exhibition
- facebook live stream
- family
- Family friendly
- fatlip
- fatlip funk and soul
- females
- Festival Birmingham
- festival of beer
- festive
- finsbury park
- floor shakers
- floorshakers
- flute
- folk
- folk rock
- food
- fools gold
- football
- franki valli
- fred
- Fred Zepplin
- Free
- free entry
- free event
- free evnet
- free party
- french
- french boutik
- friends of the night owl
- fruit tones
- Full Capacity Shows
- Funk
- funked up friday
- garage
- garage music
- garage rock
- get stoned
- ghetto golf
- gig
- gig night
- gigs
- ginger dan
- glam
- Golden Torch
- gorilla bot
- gorillabot
- grime
- groove
- grooves
- grunge
- guitar music
- gypsy folk
- hacienda
- Hadler
- Halloween
- halloween party
- Hammond
- hammond organ
- handwaxx
- hankks
- hannah al-shimmeri
- happy monday
- happy mondays
- Harry & The Howlers
- Harry Jordan
- heavy sol
- Heducation
- heels
- help!
- henri herbert
- henri herbert and the fury
- high horse
- high horses
- Hip Hop
- hiphop
- history of sex
- hoe turner
- horn
- horror
- hot food
- hott date
- house
- idles
- iglu
- iglu music
- Ignite Records
- independent
- indie
- Inspiral Carpets
- international submarine club
- international submarine clud
- international womens day
- interview
- irish
- it takes two
- jake henry
- Jake Wilks
- jam
- jam session
- Jamaican
- James Brown
- Jazz
- jerk chicken
- jessie scutts
- joe talbot
- joe turner
- joel webster
- john lennon
- johnn weston
- johnny weston
- josh halliley
- josh pye
- jr walker
- judy d
- junior walker
- kaleidoscope
- kanteen
- karaoke
- kate bush
- keb darge
- Keep the Faith
- kev richie
- kid friendly
- kids welcome
- killer wave
- killers
- kinds of light
- king of hong kong
- Kings Heath
- kings of hong kong
- kinks
- kinx
- knees up
- Koko
- KoKo Fridays
- ktf
- launch party
- Le Freak
- leamington
- leather party
- led zeppelin
- Led Zepplin
- lee fisher
- Left for dead
- Legends
- letitbeatles
- Liamosino
- lighter
- lioness
- lions of dissent
- Live
- live act
- live band
- live djs
- live funk band
- live gig
- Live jukebox
- Live music
- live music event
- live performance
- live radio
- live soul band
- live stream
- livemusic
- lobsters
- local
- local art
- local artists
- local music
- Locarno
- london
- london comedian
- lower trinity st
- lucky Cat
- luna rosa
- mack
- macmillan
- Madchester
- maddie cottam allan
- madness
- magic
- magic hour
- major toms
- make it reggae
- mama roux
- mamas and papas
- man and the holy mountain
- manchester
- march of the mods
- marina coombes
- marquis drive
- Marvin Gaye
- may
- mazzy
- mazzy snape
- meet the DJ's
- MeMe Detroit
- men of north country
- merch
- merchandise
- Midlands
- midnight city
- midnight city soul band
- mighty craic
- mile cocker
- mini nighter
- miss fortunes
- Mod
- mod music
- mod revival
- molly cleaver
- moseley folk
- moseley folk afterparty
- moseley folk festival
- mothers earth
- Motown
- motown night
- Motown Northern Soul
- mr strange
- mug
- murder mystery
- music
- music night
- music venue trust
- musicevent
- mutes
- Naked Lunch
- Nas
- neighbourhd
- neighbourhood
- neil rushton
- neo
- netflix
- networking
- new album
- New music
- new order
- new street adventure
- new street records
- new to the night owl
- new wave
- New Years Eve
- new york
- nhs
- nick power
- nick pride
- nick pride and the [imptones
- nick pride and the pimptones
- night club
- Night Owl
- night owl birmingham
- night owl community
- night owl radio
- night owl tv
- night owl. the night owl
- nightclub
- noble and heath
- nominations
- nonsuch
- norhtern soul
- northern
- Northern Soul
- Notorious B.I.G
- notting hill
- nova
- nu wave
- Oaceis
- Oasis
- oasis maybe
- oasis tribute
- ocean colour scene
- October
- odd soul
- odmansbox
- odyssey
- old skool
- Oldies Unlimited
- One Year Strong
- Online
- Open mic
- Open Mic night
- operation santa
- orgn
- osych
- otis redding
- our lives
- our statement
- paid in full
- Party
- passion and the veins
- paul cook
- paul weller
- paul wller
- pay as you feel
- Pep
- performance
- pete toney
- peter plays lennnon
- peter plays lennon
- peters plays lennon
- phil spector
- piano
- pimptones
- planet art project
- pnkslm
- poem
- poetry
- Polar Bear Records
- pop
- pop will eat itself
- pour on the sauce
- Preditah
- prince
- prince night
- progressibe music
- progressive
- prone 2 madness
- psych
- psych funk
- psych music
- psych night
- psychedelia
- psychedelic
- psychelic
- psychotron
- pulp
- pulp killers
- punk
- punk music
- Q&A
- quadrophenia
- r & b
- r and b
- r john the revelator
- R'n'B
- R&B
- r7b
- radio
- radio show
- rai kah mercury
- rain
- Rainbow Venues
- Rap
- Rare Records
- Rare Soul
- Record shops
- Records
- reggae
- reggar
- resident dj
- ressurection
- retro
- retro music
- return of the night owl
- reuvon gershon
- revival
- revive live music
- rewards
- rhino and the ranters
- rhythm
- rhythm and blues
- rich priest
- richard buckley
- richard hawley
- richard march
- rj davis
- rob chewy wilson
- robert craig oulton
- rock
- rock and roll
- rock and rolll
- rock n roll
- Rockabilly
- rocksteady
- Rogues in Brogues
- Rolling Stones
- rolling stones tribute
- Roots
- rosie tee
- rowetta
- roxy music
- russ winstanley
- Salsa
- sam redmore
- sammy rogers
- santa
- saturday night fever
- save our venues
- saxophone
- scooby's tosh
- Scooter
- scooterist
- Seismic Records
- Sensateria
- set list
- shake the shack
- Shopping
- signing off
- simmer down
- simon cobb
- simon stebbing
- singer songwriter
- singing
- Sister Sledge
- sistercookie
- Sixties
- Ska
- ska 45s
- ska music
- ska45's
- slag mag
- sleep sparrow
- Slimzee
- sliomat
- small faces
- small fakers
- sofa king
- sonny and spare
- souk
- Soul
- soul band
- soul boogie
- soul boy
- Soul Hole
- soul mod
- soul night
- soul saturdays
- Soul Train
- souled out 2 funk
- soulin
- Sounds of 54
- spinout revue
- spoken word
- spotlight
- Sprung Dancefloor
- st basils
- st paddys day
- st patricks
- st patricks day
- Stax
- stephen james
- stephen king
- steven davis
- Stevie Wonder
- stone roses
- stones
- strange
- stranger things
- stream
- student
- student night
- Studio 54
- suede
- suedehead
- summer
- summer of love
- sunday
- sunshine frisbee laserbeam
- super freak
- super lemon days
- superfreak
- support us
- surf
- survey
- Suzy Creamcheese
- swampmeat
- swampmeat family band
- swampmest
- Swing
- Swingamajig
- Swingamajig Festival
- swinging sixties
- Swordfish Records
- take over
- take the 5th
- Takeover
- tamla
- tarantino
- terry hall
- Testify
- the 3 sixties
- the ac30s
- the acoustic who
- The Alamo
- the americas
- the animals
- the atlantic players
- The Backbone Slips
- the bank accounts
- The Beatles
- the breakfast club
- the chords
- the clash
- The Coral
- the cure
- the curv3
- the deep six
- the diskery
- the doors
- the early days
- the flirtations
- The Gathering
- The get down
- the good water
- The GT's
- The Heels
- the high tones
- the hollys
- the hoot
- the hungry ghosts
- the jade assembly
- the jam
- the jam drc
- the kinks
- the kinx
- the libertines
- the lizards
- the might craic
- the mighty young
- the miss fortunes
- the monkees
- the nature centre
- The Night Owl
- the night owl finsbury park
- the night owl radio show
- the night owl tv
- the old crown
- the pimptones
- the quik beats
- the quik betas
- The Rainbow
- the rolling stones
- The Seahorses
- the ska 45s
- the ska father
- the small faces
- The Soul Hole
- the specials
- the stone roses
- the straight aces
- the strange doors
- the three sixties
- the trip to birmingham tradfest
- the voo dooms
- The who
- theatre
- thenightowlbham
- this is elektrik
- those old records
- three sixties
- thriller
- thriller dance off
- thursday
- Tim Burgess
- tippa irie
- Tom Hingley
- tom mason
- tony mccaroll
- totally wired
- totally wired radio
- touring bands
- town hall
- town hall birmingham
- tradfest
- traditional irish
- tribute
- tribute act
- tribute acts
- tribute band
- tribute bands
- tribute night
- trojan
- trojan 50th
- trojan records
- tropicando
- truman dinosaur
- trumpet
- tshirt
- twang
- twitch
- twitch live
- two tone
- ub40
- uhb
- uk garage
- university hospitals birmingham fund
- update
- urban
- urban music
- UV Party
- valentines
- valentines day
- van morrison
- vintage
- vinyl
- vinyl and vintage
- Virtual
- virtual event
- Virtual festival
- virtual party
- vocal harmony trio
- vogue
- Wade in the Shallows
- wax truths
- Wayne Lango
- weekend
- weekender
- West coast
- whats on
- whats on awards
- whats on birmingham
- white flag dares
- whole lotts soul
- Wigan Casino
- win
- wind & fire
- wooden dance floor
- world cup
- Wu Tang
- xmas
- Y4S
- yeh yeh
- yung jimmy
- zellig